April 2000

The following pictures were all taken at the UK Cobra Replica Club stand at the National Kit Car Show. The show was held on the 31st April and 1st May at the National Agricultural Showground near Stoneleigh. This is the largest kit car show in the UK and the Cobra Replica Club stand won 'Best Stand' over the two days. On the Sunday we must have had over 100 Cobras on the Club stand. It was a sight to see.
Cobras in a line
A line of Cobras ~ 55kb
On the Sunday armed with my camera I took photographs of some of the cars on our club stand. We had all kinds of manufacturers featured here. Dax, Crendon, Pilgrim, AK Sportscars, Hawk, Southern Roadcraft, Magnum, Ram to name a few.

Club chairman
Our Chairman receiving the award ~ 31kb
John 'Cookie' Cooke our Chairman receives the award for best club stand. The lady was from Emmerdale and I can't remember her name!

Committee with Award
The Committee with the Best Club Stand Award ~ 31kb
Some members of the committee with the Best Club Stand award. From left to right, just in case you're interested is: John Tisbury, Marion Jones, Peter Jones, John 'Cookie' Cooke, Simon O'Sullivan.

My Car
Rear of my car ~ 57kb
You can just see the rear of my car in the foreground. The weather was great and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Cobra ~ 50kb
This car was parked behind ours. I don't know who it belonged to but it was a pretty looking car.

More Cobras
More cobras ~ 60kb
Another mass of cobras.

More Cobras
Another view of more cobras ~ 47kb
A view looking the other way to another mass of cobras.

More Cobras
Another view of more cobras ~ 47kb
As ever there was a great variety of cobras for people the see. This helped the people who were thinking about building a replica as they could meet and talk to the owners, plus it allowed members of the club to meet and talk cars.

Mine again!
Oh there's mine again! ~ 63kb
Well you've got to take pictures of your own car haven't you?

More Cobras
Another line of gleaming machines ~ 65kb

More Cobras
Guess what, more cobras ~ 65kb

Club stand/tent
The Club tent ~ 53kb
During the weekend we talked and attracted many new members. It was great to put a face to people I'd been talking to on the phone or by email over the past few months. Also I had the pleasure of meeting lots of new people which I hope to bump into again in the near future when they have built their dream car.


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